" Christ is risen, Alleluia!"
cries out the chorus of creation
"Christ is risen, Alleluia!"
sing the supple winds of spring.
"Christ is risen, Alleluia!"
ring out lilies in silent splendour
The feast of feasts,
the festival of hope,
the mother of all Sundays,
luminous in the full moon of spring,
radiant in the rising of the sun,
Easter dances upon my rooftop
and plays like a newborn child
in the cradle of my heart
I rejoice like all of creation,
sailing on springtime's seed-bearing breezes,
and like the lily's trumpet,
I open wide my throat and my heart
to join with all of heaven and earth
in singing out the symphony of joy
at Easter's annual return
I take hope in Christ's victory
over death,
hope that, one with him,
I will also have my easter morning
when I will be freed from the prison,
the decaying dusty tomb, of my marrow and stony spirit.
I trust that I too will spring-like arise
to a fullness of living and loving,
to a life beyond all time and space,
to a life one with you, my God
"Christ is risen, Alleluia!"
Alleluia, Alleluia!
O Blessed One,
it is said that Christmas is for children.
Indeed, I agree:
it's only a feast for the young of heart,
a feast for finding beneath tree
gifts to surprise and delight the eternal child.
Peel back the scabs of cynicism
from my eyes
so that this calloused and aging child,
may see holiness blazing at the tip of every branch,
may see every tree as a Christmas tree.
Let me not be ashamed to dance
with delight
at hidden gifts wrapped in shimmering paper
with bows of rainbow coloured ribbon.
But also grant me the youthful
and wide-eyed wonder
to recognise, and even to expect,
life-giving miracles on every street corner,
miracles of kindness and generosity and
Gift my all-too-calculating
with the excitement of anticipation
to truly receive the gifts of life,
the capacity to feast and rejoice.
Give birth within me to a to
a spaciousness of heart
that can celebrate this feast
of the birth of Christ, the Child,
as a child.
Healing God,
come to my hidden corners
open the doors of my soul rooms
that are tightly locked.
Awaken in me.
Bring to life all my deadness.
Enthuse the depressed emotions.
Reenergise my inner weariness.
Bathe the grime of my ego-centredness.
Clarify my confusions.
Fire my neglected loves.
Brush off my dusty dreams.
Nurture my spiritual hungers.
Ease my sore relationships.
Deepen my sense of self-esteem.
Stir up my connection with the world.
Tenderly gather in your arms
all that still needs healing,
all that remains wounded and wanting.
May I grow each day into greater wholeness
with a stronger, purer inner freedom.
O Prince of Peace,
whose advent we seek in our lives,
come this day and show us
how to beat our swords into ploughshares,
tools of life instead of instruments of fear.
May your love strip us
of all weapons and strategies of conquest
which are not the tools of lovers,
wise ones and God's children.
Let us not lust for power
but rather strive for the insight
to be guided on the Way of Peace.
Let us not yearn for a victory
that requires a sister's sorrow
or a brother's shameful defeat.
Let us be Advent adventurers and peacemakers,
hammering swords into shovels,
filling holes and levelling peaks.
Let us be disarmed and vulnerable,
for only through such open hands and hearts
can Emmanuel come.
Spirit of God, I feel too tired
to go on, too empty even to want to be filled, too
broken to put the pieces together again. Still, I
feel a quiet stirring in me. It is the call to come
back to life, to be energised and renewed. It is my
heart crying out for newness, for a lighter spirit,
for a keener sense of hope in the future.
Spirit of God, who draws together
bones of the desert and dryness of the heart, come
and take of my spirit all that has died in me. Dream
in me again. Create of my brokenness a new and free
heart. Draw together life in me. Let the dancing that
is meant to be start its moment anew. The grace of
freedom, the gesture of rebirth, all of this awaits
me. I want to believe it in my depths.
The pain of my hurts keeps
me in a foreign land where I do not feel at home with
myself or others. Help me to believe that you will
lead me into a future rich with growth and peace.
Show me where to rest, how to lay down my burdens
and what to do in order to be healed.
Loving shepherd, I need to
find a source of new life. Come, bandage my wounds
and grant to this weak one a profound and deep strength
to go on.
Through the open door of your
divine heart may blessings pour forth in great abundance
to those I love :__________. I pray for those who
are prisoners of fear or hate and for the intentions
of all peoples of this planet, in particular this
night for:___________. May those who find it impossible
to pray, who are burdened with cares or lost in the
desert of loneliness, be touched by your gentle healing
and find peace today and always.
Jesus, you are Lord.
You are Lord of the whole universe; and you are my Lord,
the Lord of my life. I take you now, once again, as
Lord of my life; I profess you as my Lord.
I put my life under your lordship, into your hands.
Each positive relationship in my life I put under your
lordship. Each person that I hold dear, both the person
and the relationship with that person, I place into
your hands. Straighten out anything in that relationship
that needs straightening or healing. Make any crooked
ways straight, fill in any low points, level off any
egoism or selfishness or possessiveness on my part in
that relationship. Heal each one of these good and positive
relationships in my life. Thank you, Lord.
Jesus, I put any and each negative
relationship in my life under your lordship. Where
you see in my heart resentment or anger of coldness
toward the other person, put understanding and compassion.
Where you see jealousy or envy put gladness for the
other person. Where you find in me fear of that other
person, put courage and confidence in myself and the
necessary assertiveness.
Lord, you are the lord of my
future. I put all my future into your hands, under
your lordship. I give over to you, Lord of my future,
the rest of today, all of tomorrow, the rest of this
week, what remains of this year, the rest of my life,
and after my life on earth. I hand over to you each
one of my worries about the future, for myself and
those dear to me. I trust in you, Jesus, increase
my trust, increase in my heart my hope in you. Amen.
O, Beloved, Heart of my heart,
I call to You for my help by day;
I cry out in the night.
Let my prayer come before You,
bend your ear to my cry!
For my soul is full of troubles, and my life sees
like dust,
I have fallen into a pit of despair;
I have no strength and I feel powerless,
Like one from whom You have turned, like the soil
people walk upon.
You alone can comfort me in the deep pit,
in the darkness of fear.
Separation from You is an agony,
hopelessness threatens to overwhelm me.
Through You alone can I pray for my enemies, for those
who ignore my plight.
I am in a prison chained by fear;
I am weary of tears.
Every day I call upon You, O Beloved;
I lift up my hands in supplication.
Will You raise me from this living death?
Will You mend a broken heart?
Let not your steadfast love pass me by;
have mercy on me, O Comforter!
Reach Your hand into the darkness of my fears,
by your saving grace forgive my unholy ways.
O Merciful Redeemer, I cry to You;
each day my prayer comes before You.
Let not separation keep me from your Heart;
be my strength as I face the darkness inside.
Too long have I let fear control me,
projecting onto others the demons dwelling within.
Let Your Love circle and envelop me;
in Your mercy raise me up.
Let peace become my companion all day long;
By night free me from the bonds of fear.
Let me be reconciled with family and friends;
and may I know You
as Loving Companion Presence
as in days of old.
I want to forgive myself
for reaching for the unreachable star
for being fragile
for being ashamed of my pain
for blaming myself for my misery
for striving after unattainable perfection
for turning against myself along with my persecutor
for closing my heart to myself
for rehashing hurtful accusations
other made against me
for not being able to anticipate everything
for hating myself.
In short, I want to forgive myself for being human.
With prayerful pleas
and Advent songs of longing,
I await the birth of God's anointed One.
Come, O Gift of heaven's harmony,
and attune my third ear,
the ear of my heart,
so that I may hear,
just as Mary, faithful woman of Israel, heard.
O God, the time is short,
these days are too few
as I prepare for the feast
of the birth of Mary's son.
Busy days, crowded to the brim,
with long lists of gifts to buy
and things that must be done.
Show to me, also your highly
favoured child,
how to guard my heart
from noise and hurry's whirl, so that I may hear your
calling my heart to create an empty space
that might be pregnant with heaven's fire.
Quiet me within,
clothe my body in peacefulness,
that your Word
once again may take flesh -
this time, within me -
as once it did in holy Mary,
long Advent days ago.
There are some things that
can be learned only by sin. The history of sainthood
is a history of sin: Teresa of Avila, Ignatius of
Loyola, Charles de Foucauld all struggled their way
to God as we do. Only when, like them, we discover
the depths of our own neediness can we begin to discover
our strengths and God's mercy.
The monks of a neighbouring
monastery asked the Master's help in a quarrel that
had risen among them. They had heard the Master say
he had a technique that was guaranteed to bring love
and harmony to any group.
On this occasion he revealed it: "Any time you
are with anyone or think of anyone you must say to
yourself: I am dying and this person too is dying,
attempting the while to experience the truth of the
words you are saying. If everyone of you agrees to
practice this, bitterness will die out, harmony will
Having said that, he was gone.
The Master always frowned on
anything that seemed sensational. The divine, he claimed,
is only found in the ordinary.
To a disciple who was attempting forms of asceticism
that bordered on the bizarre the Master was heard
to say, "Holiness is a mysterious thing: the
greater it is, the less it is noticed."
What is the greatest enemy
of enlightenment?
And where does it come from?
And what is delusion?
To think that flowers around you are poisonous snakes.
How shall I attain to enlightenment?
Open your eyes and see.
That there isn't a single snake around.
O, Beloved, Heart of my heart,
I call to You for my help by day;
I cry out in the night.
Let my prayer come before You,
bend your ear to my cry!
For my soul is full of troubles, and my life sees
like dust,
I have fallen into a pit of despair;
I have no strength and I feel powerless,
Like one from whom You have turned, like the soil
people walk upon.
You alone can comfort me in the deep pit,
in the darkness of fear.
Separation from You is an agony,
hopelessness threatens to overwhelm me.
Through You alone can I pray for my enemies, for those
who ignore my plight.
I am in a prison chained by fear;
I am weary of tears.
Every day I call upon You, O Beloved;
I lift up my hands in supplication.
Will You raise me from this living death?
Will You mend a broken heart?
Let not your steadfast love pass me by;
have mercy on me, O Comforter!
Reach Your hand into the darkness of my fears,
by your saving grace forgive my unholy ways.
O Merciful Redeemer, I cry to You;
each day my prayer comes before You.
Let not separation keep me from your Heart;
be my strength as I face the darkness inside.
Too long have I let fear control me,
projecting onto others the demons dwelling within.
Let Your Love circle and envelop me;
in Your mercy raise me up.
Let peace become my companion all day long;
By night free me from the bonds of fear.
Let me be reconciled with family and friends;
and may I know You
as Loving Companion Presence
as in days of old.
There is a difference between
silence and emptiness. Silence is a very busy thing.
It opens us to the exploration of the self. Emptiness
is the vacuum we find when something is missing from
our lives and needs to be replaced.
Everyone is struck down by
something in life. It is the detour that determines
the definition of the journey. We can lose our way
then and there, stay stuck in unfamiliar territory,
stall and give up. Or we can take the new direction
confident that in the end we will end up exactly where
we were meant to be whether we can see how that is
possible right now or not.
"All sins," Simone
Weil wrote, "are attempts to fill voids."
When something important - love, dignity, respect
- is missing in life, we find something to replace
it. Young people find the gangs that will include
them. Adults find the drugs that will numb them. When
I find myself grappling with any kind of excess, the
question must be, For what emptiness in me am I trying
to compensate.
The Master was asked, 'What
is Spirituality?'
He said, Spirituality is that which succeeds in bringing
man to Inner Transformation.
'But if I apply the traditional methods handed down
by the Masters, is that not Spirituality?'
'It is not Spirituality if it does not perform its
function for you. A blanket is no longer a blanket
if it does not keep you warm.'
'So Spirituality does change?'
'People change and needs change. So what was Spirituality
once is Spirituality no more. What generally goes
under the name of Spirituality is merely the record
of past methods.
Cut the coat to fit the person. Don't cut the person
to fit the coat.
Breathe on me, O Breath of
in the silence of my tranquil heart,
infill me with your wisdom.
O, that I might radiate the compassion and peace,
the truth and beauty of the Beloved!
Direct my steps, O Holy One, that
I may humbly walk with You.
The witness of your Life is my model;
therefore my soul yearns for You.
The unfolding of your Word gives light;
it imparts understanding to the simple.
My mouth pours forth praise continually,
for I am ever grateful for your Promises.
You come to me and you are
gracious to me,
as You are to all who open their heart's door.
Guide my steps according to your Word,
and show me how to lovingly co-create with You.
Let me not be lured by the world's values,
that I may walk in the path of wholeness.
May your face shine upon your friend,
as You teach me of Love.
I weep over our wounded world,
our earth ravaged by greedy insensitive hands.
Sometimes there would be a
of noisy visitors and the silence
of the monastery would be shattered.
This would upset the disciples;
the Master who seemed just as content
with the noise as with the silence.
To his protesting disciples
he said
one day, "Silence is not the absence
of sound, but the absence of self."
The Master was known to favour
action over withdrawal. But he
always insisted on "enlightened" action.
The disciples wanted to know
what "enlightened" meant.
Did it mean 'right-intentioned'?
"Oh no," said the
"Think how right-intentioned the monkey is
when he lifts a fish from the river
to save it from a watery grave."
People who talk a lot about
themselves seldom want to hear what others have to
Restore us, O Holy One;
let your face shine upon us,
teach us to love!
You companion us through the
through the shadows created by fear.
You plant your Seed into each heart.
You uproot the weeds of our sin,
You cultivate the soil of our goodness.
Truly, in You, we become like a tiny acorn,
holding the secret of a mighty oak.
You nourish us with the food of Love,
with streams of Living Water.
Be our strength as we break down walls
that separate and divide;
let not fear pluck away the gifts
we should share.
Roll way the stones that become obstacles
to growth,
to producing a bountiful harvest.
Receive our gratitude, O Heart
of all hearts!
look upon us and see what
Love can do.
He thought it was of vital
importance to be poor and austere. It had never dawned
on him that the vitally important thing was to drop
his ego; that the ego fattens on holiness just as
much as on worldliness, on poverty as on riches, on
austerity as on luxury. There is nothing the ego will
not seize upon to inflate itself.
Disciple: I have come to you
with nothing in my hands.
Master: Then drop it at once!
Disciple: But how can I drop
it? It is nothing.
Master: Then carry it around
with you!
You can make a possession of
your nothing.
And carry your renunciation around you like a trophy.
Don't drop your possessions. Drop your ego.
After a while you learn the
subtle difference
Between holding and chaining a soul,
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security,
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises,
And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes open,
And learn to build all you roads
On today because tomorrow's ground
Is too uncertain for plans, and futures have
A way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine
Burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden and decorate
Your own soul, instead of waiting
For someone to bring you flowers,
And you learn that you really can endure. . .
That you really are strong
And you really do have worth.
And you learn and learn. . .
With every good-bye you learn.
May the strength of God pilot
May the power of God preserve us,
May the wisdon of God instruct us,
May the hand of God protect us,
May the way of God direct us,
May the shield of God defend us,
May the host of God guard us,
against snares of evil
and the temptations of the world.
The Sufi Bayazid says this about
'I was a revolutionary when I was young and all my
prayer to God was, "Lord, give me the energy
to change the world."
As I approached middle age
and realised that half my life was gone without my
changing a single soul, I changed my prayer to: "Lord,
give me the grace to change all those who come in
contact with me. Just my family and friends, and I
shall be content."
Now that I am an old man and
my days are numbered, my prayer now is: "Lord,
give me the grace to change myself." If I had
prayed for this right from the start I should not
have wasted my life.
How did Christ begin his great
work, the salvation of the world?
He began simply, quietly. No fanfare. No fireworks.
No public launching.
He began by calling a few people - two in fact.
It was as simple as that.
He began with personal contact and that is how his
work developed.
It was passed on from person to person by word of
We shouldn't be surprised at
Things which begin with a splash often peter out.
Whereas those which begin quietly put down deep roots,
grow steadily, and survive to produce fruits that
So, if there is something which
we want to do,
let us not hesitate and think too much.
Let us make a start, however small.
Let us take one step. Let us plant one seed.
Let us trust that if our cause is good,
God will support us, and it will grow and prosper.
Lord Jesus, you know me perfectly.
You know my good qualities and my bad ones. You know
my past; you see it clearly. You know my future, you
see it happening. You love me just as I am, without
any conditions, without any qualifications.
You do not condemn me. You
do not judge me. You do forgive me. You have given
your life for me on the cross as though I were the
only person beside you who ever walked on earth, and
you would do it again if you had to. You call me by
name, and you love me.
Jesus, free me from my pride,
my complacency, my search for the glory of this world
and for attention and prestige and appreciation. Teach
me humility.
Heal me of any spiritual blindness,
Lord, that I may see your face with the eyes of faith,
with the eyes of my heart. Teach me to know you through
love, especially for the powerful and personal love
that you have in your heart for me.
Thank you for your love for me. Amen.
Calm me, O Lord, as you stilled the storm,
Still me, O Lord, keep me from harm.
Let all the tumult within me cease,
Enfold me, Lord, in your peace.
Birth is a beginning and death
a destination.
And life is a journey from childhood to maturity,
from youth to age;
from innocence to awareness,
from ignorance to knowing;
from foolishness to discretion
and then, perhaps, to wisdom;
from weakness to strength
or strength to weakness - and back again;
from health to sickness
and back, we pray, to health again;
from offence to forgiveness, from loneliness to love
from joy to gratitude, from pain to compassion;
from grief to understanding, from fear to faith;
from defeat to defeat to defeat . . .
Until looking backward or ahead, we see that victory
not at some high place along the way
but in having made the journey, stage by stage.
It helps now and then to step
and take the long view.
the kingdom is not only beyond our efforts;
it is even beyond our vision.
We accomplish in our lifetime
only a tiny fraction
of the magnificent enterprise that is God's work
Nothing we do is complete,
which is another way of saying that
the kingdom always lies beyond us.
No statement says all that could be said.
No prayer fully expresses our faith.
No confession brings wholeness.
No programme accomplishes the church's mission.
No set of goals and objectives includes everything.
This is what we are about.
We plant the seeds that one day will grow.
We water seeds already planted,
knowing that they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will
need further
We provide yeast that produces effects
far beyond our capabilities.
We cannot do everything,
and there is a sense of liberation in realising that.
This enables us to do something, and to do it very
It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning,
a step along the way, an opportunity for
the Lord's grace to enter and do the rest.
We may never see the end results
but that is the difference
between the master builder and the worker.
We are workers, not master builders,
ministers, not messiahs.
We are prophets of a future not our own. Amen.
Many if not all great undertakings
begin in small and often hidden ways.
Seeds need the darkness, isolation and cover of the
earth in order to germinate.
Therefore, for something to begin small, hidden, anonymous,
is an advantage.
It means it can develop away from publicity.
There are no pressures. No burden of expectations.
It can develop at its own pace. There is no hurry.
Hurry ruins so many thing.
Hence the importance of beginnings,
of taking care of things in the beginning,
of the small in the accomplishment of the great.
Come, Spirit who is our Light,
Shine among the shadows within.
Warm and transform our hearts
Come, Spirit who makes a home in us.
Draw us to the treasures of your dwelling.
Reveal to us the inner journey of love.
Come, Spirit, Comforter and Consoler.
Heal the wounded. Soothe the anxious.
Be consolation for all who grieve and ache.
Come, Spirit who energises our being.
Keep us from the tangles of toil and travail.
Lead us to moments of prayer and play.
Come, Spirit, consuming Fire of Love,
Fill us with enthusiasm for your vision.
May the desire for truth be vibrant in us.
Come, Spirit, joy of our souls.
Dance amid life's hills and valleys.
Encircle us with the delights of your dance.
Come, Spirit of wisdom and insight.
Draw us towards your goodness and light.
Direct our growth and guide our ways.
Come, Spirit, Strength of wounded ones.
Be warmth in hearts of those who grow cold.
Empower the powerless, rekindle the weary.
Come, Spirit, source of our peace. in us the action
of peacemakers.
Heal the divisions that ravage the earth.
Spirit of light, let the fire
of your wisdom burn brightly within us.
Spirit of silence, in the still moment may we be open
to God's presence.
Spirit of courage, dispel the fear that lingers in
our hearts.
Spirit of fire, engulf us with the passion of Christ's
Spirit of peace, help us to be attentive to God's
word in the world.
Spirit of joy, enthuse us to proclaim aloud the Good
Spirit of love, compel us to open ourselves to the
needs of others.
Spirit of power, bestow the gift of your strength
upon us.
Spirit of truth, guide us to walk in the way of Christ.
I am surrounded by a peaceful
as creation bows to the mystery of life;
all that grows and lives must give up life,
yet it does not really die.
as plants surrender their life,
bending, brown and wrinkled,
and yellow leaves of trees
float to my lawn like parachute troops, they do so
in a sea of serenity.
I hear no fearful cries from
no screams of terror,
as death daily devours
once-green and growing life.
Peaceful and calm is autumn's swan song,
for she understands
that hidden in winter's death-grip
is spring's open-handed
full-brim breath of life.
It is not a death rattle that
over fields and backyard fences;
rather I hear a lullaby
softly swaying upon the autumn wind.
Sleep in peace, all that lives;
slumber secure, all that is dying,
for in every fall there is the rise
whose sister's name is spring.
O Divine Gift-giver,
I stand beneath the endless waterfall
of your abundant gifts to me.
I thank you especially for the blessing of life,
the most precious of all your gifts to me.
I thank you, Ever-generous One,
for clothing to wear,
for food and drink to nourish my body,
for all the talents and skills that you have bestowed
upon me.
I thank you for the many joys of my life,
for family and friends,
for work that gives to me a sense of purpose
and invests my life with meaning.
I thank you as well
for the suffering and trials of my life
which are also gifts
and which together with my mistakes are among my most
important teachers.
Grant that I may never greet
a new day
without the awareness of some gift
for which to give you thanks.
And may constant thanksgiving
be my song of perpetual praise to you.
Spirit of Guidance, I see before
me numerous choices and a decision to be made.
There is division in my heart.
Sometimes I want none of what I find. Sometimes I
want it all. Sometimes I want to give up making decisions
and wish that the future would go away.
I entrust my decision-making
into your hands, ready to do my part but also knowing
that I cannot do this without your help.
Lead me through all the unsure,
unclear, doubtful, hesitant, and questioning moments
that are mine as I search to find the right way in
which to go.
Grant me the grace to choose
freely, without being attached to the outcome. I trust
that you will be with me as I make my decision prayerfully
and with faith.
Assure me that your peace will
rest deep within me as I make the decision that seems
best for me at this time. I may continue to experience
feelings of turmoil and confusion, but deep within
I know that I can return to that settled place in
me where you always dwell.
Guide and Director of my life,
I place my life in your hands. Lead me to the path
that will best deepen and strengthen my relationship
with you.
Following are the names of
the Seven Mischievous Misses who are responsible for
most of our troubles:
Miss Information,
Miss Quotation,
Miss Representation,
Miss Interpretation,
Miss Construction,
Miss Conception,
Miss Understanding.
The Secret of Living
The secret of living is learning to pray –
It’s asking our Father for strength for the day!
It’s trusting completely that His boundless grace
Will overcome care and each problem we face!
It’s walking by Faith every mile that we plod,
And knowing our prayers bring us closer to God!
“Whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing,
you shall receive.”
- Matthew 21:22
New School Year
Lord God,
Your spirit of wisdom fills our lives and
teaches us your ways.
Look upon our young people.
May they enjoy their learning and take delight in
new discoveries. Help them to persevere in their
studies and give them the desire to learn all things well.
Look upon our teachers.
May they strive to share their knowledge with gentle
patience and endeavour always to bring the truth to
eager minds.
Grant that students and teachers alike may follow Jesus
Christ, the way, the truth and the life, for ever and ever.
We are all different
And live in very different places
But you love each one of us the same
Because we are all part of your family.
Help us to remember
How much you love us
And to remember our brothers and sisters
In Ireland and around the world.
You know all our names,
know all about us,
and care for us every day.
Help us to remember children
throughout the world
Who don’t have enough to eat,
And help us to make a world
Where everybody has enough.
Lord gives; the Lord takes away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Lord, in sickness and in health,
I wish to serve you.
I ask for the gift of restored health
but if it is your will that my sickness continue
please give me the strength to bear my cross.
Canticle of Simeon
Master you can let your
servant go in peace
just as you promised
my eyes have seen
the salvation which you
prepared for all the nations
to see
light to enlighten the pagans
and the glory of your people Israel
Nunc Dimittis, Luke 2:29-32
the beginning of a New Year….
am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in
darkness but will have the light of life.
John 8:12
When I have doubts and hesitations
act as my guide.
When I am in darkness, shine
like a lamp to light my path.
When I am worried or troubled,
help me to put all my trust in you.
When I feel lonely, help me to
remember that you are always with me.
Prayer for Advent.
May the Lord bless you.
May he wipe away your tears.
May you weep no more.
May your ears be attuned to his Word
and your steps follow his ways.
Then the Lord will guide you in peace
and feed you from the abundance of his love,
so that you may rejoice always and never lose
from your heart the love he gives. Amen
cherish the ‘Evening of Life’ as we pray:
he support us all the day
long, till the shades lengthen
and the evening comes, and the
busy world is hushed, and the
fever of life is over and our work is done!
Then in His Mercy may He give us a safe
lodging and a holy rest and peace at last.
of Catherine McAuley
My God
I am yours for
time and eternity
Teach me to cast myself entirely
into the arms of
Your loving Providence
with the most lively, unlimited
confidence in Your
compassionate, tender pity.
Grant me,
O most merciful Redeemer,
that whatever
You ordain or permit
may be acceptable to me.
Take from my heart all painful anxiety;
suffer nothing to sadden me but sin,
nothing to delight me but the hope
of coming to the possession of You,
my God and my All,
in Your everlasting kingdom. Amen
of the Pilgrim
Lord make us prophets of our times,
Pilgrims not wayfarers.
May each day begin with
prayerful preparation, opening
our hearts to you.
Make us aware, that although
individuals, we travel with others
and help us to keep vigil with you
in that holy place within the heart.
Deepen our awareness of your
abiding presence in us and
around us, as we journey
together today.
Sts Peter & Paul - 29th
Peter denied you and
Paul persecuted you;
yet you made them witnesses
of your love and truth.
Open our hearts to the
good news they preached,
and grant that we may all love him
whom we do not yet see,
Jesus, your Son our Lord.
‘O my God, Trinity whom I adore, grant my soul
make it your heaven, your beloved dwelling, and the
place of your rest.
May I never abandon you there, but may I be there,
whole and entire,
completely vigilant in my faith, entirely adoring,
wholly given over to
your creative action.’
(Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity)
Reflection Litany to the Holy
Spirit of light, let the fire of your wisdom burn
brightly within us.
Spirit of silence, in the still moment may we be open
to God’s presence.
Spirit of courage, dispel the fear that lingers in
our hearts.
Spirit of fire, engulf us with the passion of Christ’s
Spirit of peace, help us to be attentive to God’s
word in the world.
Spirit of joy, enthuse us to proclaim aloud the Good
Spirit of love, compel us to open ourselves to the
needs of others.
Spirit of power, bestow the gift of your strength
upon us.
Spirit of truth, guide us to walk in the way of Christ.
for Vocations
Jesus Christ,
While you walked the roads of Palestine,
you chose and called apostles
and confided to them the task of preaching the Gospel,
of feeding your flock and ministering your Sacraments.
Grant that, in our day,
Your Church may not be deprived of holy priests who
will share with everyone the fruits of your Passion
and Resurrection.
Pope John Paul II
Prayer of the Pilgrim
make us the prophets of our times,
Pilgrims not wayfarers.
May each day begin
with prayerful preparation,
opening our hearts to you.
Make us aware,
that although individuals,
we travel with others
and help us to keep vigil with you
in that holy place within the heart.
Deepen our awareness of
your abiding presence in us and around us,
as we journey together today.
wish you Easter eyes – Eyes that will allow
you see
Beyond death into life
Beyond sin to forgiveness
Beyond division to unity
Beyond wounds to beauty
Through the human to
the divine
Through the divine to
the human
From the ‘I’ to the ‘You’.
And - enabling all of this –
The totality of Easter energy!
Klaus Hemmerle - Aachen 1993
you for the promises you
made us and for always looking
after us.
Help us to remember that all
people are our neighbours, and
help us to care for them as You
care for us.
be to him whose power,
working in us, can do infinitely
more than we can ask or imagine;
glory be to him from generation
to generation in the Church and in
Christ Jesus for ever and ever. Amen. Ephesians
3: 20-21
with the year which is coming
as with a friend who is crossing your
threshold to bring you gifts.
Accept the Spring, the Summer, the
Autumn and the Winter of the year
and of life as perfect expressions
of the Creator and be thankful.
Then you will surely grow with it.
W. Wilcox
peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the watching shepherds to you.
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you. A Gaelic Blessing
Family Prayer around the Advent Wreath
as light comes from these candles,
may the blessing of Jesus Christ come to us,
warming our hearts and brightening our way.
May Christ our Saviour
bring life into the darkness of this world,
and to us, as we wait for his coming.
of love,
you made a new creation
through Jesus Christ your Son.
May his coming free us from sin
and renew his life within us,
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Daily Prayer
O Wisdom, Come to teach me the way of truth.
O Lord of Israel, Come to redeem me with an outstretched
O Root of Jesse, Come to bring me new life; do not
O Key of David, Come to open my prison doors and set
me free.
O Radiant Dawn, Come to bring light to the darkness
in my life.
O King of all Nations, Come to save me and give me
O God-With-Us, Stay with me and send me forth in your
Amen. O Antiphons, adapted
to the Holiest in the height,
and in the depths be praise.
In all his words most wonderful,
most sure in all his ways.
NEWMAN - 16th October 2005
We cherish the ‘Evening
of Life’ as we pray:
he support us all the day
long, till the shades lengthen and
the evening comes, and the busy
world is hushed, and the fever of
life is over and our work is done!
Then in His Mercy may He give
us a safe lodging and a holy rest
and peace at last.
Newman - 9th October 2005
Give us, Lord,
a humble, quiet, peaceable,
patient, tender, charitable mind
and in all our thoughts, words and deeds
a taste of your Holy Spirit.
Give us Lord,
a lively faith,
a firm hope,
a warm charity,
a love of you.
Give us warmth and delight
in thinking of you
and your grace and tender compassion to us.
The things that we pray for, Lord,
give us grace to work for,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Amen. St Thomas More
I leave you now with this prayer:
that the Lord Jesus will reveal Himself to each
one of you,
that He will give you the strength to go out
and profess that you are Christian,
that He will show you that He alone can fill your
Accept His freedom and embrace His truth
and be messengers of the certainty
that you have been truly liberated
through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
This will be the new experience,
The powerful experience,
that will generate, through you, a more just society
and a better world.
God bless you, and may the joy of Jesus
be always with you.
Amen - John Paul II
prayer for those who live alone
live alone dear Lord,
stay by my side.
In all my daily needs
be thou my guide.
Grant me good health, for that indeed I pray,
to carry on my work from day to day.
Keep pure my mind, my thoughts,
my every deed, let me be kind,
unselfish in my neighbours’ needs.
Spare me from fire, from flood,
malicious tongues,
from thieves, from fear and evil ones.
If sickness or an accident I befall,
then humbly Lord I pray, hear thou my call.
And when I’m feeling low or in despair,
Lift up my heart and help me in my prayer.
I live alone dear Lord, yet have no fear,
because I feel your presence ever near.
Let me know
the cool breeze of your Spirit over me.
me know
the gentle warmth of your love within me.
me know
that you are here, Lord Jesus.
me on dark days
when it seems you have gone away.
me on sunny days
when you are here to stay.
me know
that you are here, Lord Jesus. Amen.
powerful and ever living God, we find
security in your forgiveness; give us the
fine weather we pray for so that we may
rejoice in your gifts of kindness and use
them always for your glory and our good.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord
got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day;
I had so much to accomplish
that I didn’t have time to pray.
just tumbled about me,
and heavier came each task.
Why doesn’t God help me? I wondered.
He answered, “you didn’t ask”.
wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled on, grey and bleak.
I wondered why God didn’t show me,
He said, “but you didn’t seek”.
tried to come into God’s presence;
I used all my keys at the lock,
God gently and lovingly chided,
“My child, you didn’t knock”.
woke up early this morning,
And paused before entering the day;
I had so much to accomplish
That I HAD to take Time to Pray.
O God
our families.
to fathers and mothers
and those who care for us
the spirit of understanding
and the spirit of love,
that our homes may be
places of peace and laughter.
into our homes, O Lord,
and protect us with your love,
so that we may live in peace
and rejoice in the quiet beauty
of your blessing.
Help me approach my exams
with a clear head and a calm mind.
Give me your strength
and your peace
and let me do justice to
all that I have learned.
Thank you Lord,
for all my talents and gifts.
me, O Lord,
the courage to change the things that I can,
the serenity to accept the things that I cannot,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
of infinite goodness,
from the very beginning of your Church
you have enabled us to renew our faith
through communion with the
Body and Blood of Christ.
May the sacrament of your love
sustain us as we journey towards the day
when this mystery will stand unveiled
for ever and ever.
Open Wide the Doors
If we let Christ into our lives, we
lose nothing, nothing, absolutely
nothing of what makes life free,
beautiful and great. Only in this
friendship are the doors of life
opened wide. Only in this
friendship is the great potential
of human existence truly revealed.
Only in this friendship do we
experience beauty and liberation.
And so, today, with great strength
and great conviction,on the basis
of long personal experience of life,
I say to you, dear young people:
Do not be afraid of Christ! He
takes nothing away, and he gives
you everything. When we give
ourselves to him, we receive a
hundredfold in return. Yes,open,
open wide the doors to Christ –
and you will find true life. Amen.
Pope Benedict XVI
End of homily at Mass of Inauguration, 24 April 2005