Diocese Child Protection Annual Update
A lot of work
has been accomplished in the area of Child Protection
in the Diocese over the past number of years due to
the commitment of personnel at all levels in the diocese
from the Bishop through to dedicated Parish Representatives
working on the ground in all parishes.
The Diocese of
Derry continues to put in place those structures, personnel,
policies and procedures that will try to ensure the
protection and welfare of children and young people
in a manner consistent with statutory requirements and
Church guidelines. In the light of the teaching of the
Church, Civil Legislation and Guidance, every part of
the Church community must be committed to taking the
necessary steps to :
• Demonstrate
that the right of the child to protection from harm
is paramount
• Cherish and
safeguard children and young people
• Foster best
• Support Church
organisations and personnel in safeguarding children
• Establish safe
recruitment and vetting practices - aimed at preventing
those who pose a risk to children from holding positions
of trust
• Maintain codes
of behaviour - having clear guidelines that set out
what is and is not acceptable behaviour as an essential
part of keeping children safe.
The Diocese now
has a Child Protection Committee, Diocesan Co-ordinator,
2 Diocesan Trainers and a network of Parish Representatives.
The trainers
deliver information on “best practice” and
raise awareness of child protection issues; they also
provide support to parishes within the Diocese. In turn
the Parish Representatives will pass on this information
and raise awareness within their parish communities.
This is done through information evenings that have
been and continue to be held throughout the Diocese.
Notices are displayed
in our churches which include the Diocesan Policy Statement,
contact numbers for statutory authorities for anyone
with a concern in relation to child protection or who
wish to make an allegation as well as the names and
contact numbers of the diocesan delegates.
April 2009
the children come to me; do not stop them;…..”
Then he put his arms around them, laid his hands on
them and gave them blessing.(Mk
10:14, 16)
These words of
Jesus reveal his tender and gentle attitude to children
and to all those who are vulnerable. This attitude of
Jesus is the foundation for all the work of the Derry
Diocesan Child Protection Committee. The Committee values
and encourages the active participation of children
and yound people in the life of the Church. It also
endeavours to ensure that each child and young persons’
fundamental right to be respected, nutured, cared for
and protected is upheld in accordance with the teaching
of the Gospel and civil legislation. This will be achieved
through the development of ‘best practice’
in the area of child protection, ensuring the well-being
of children and young people involved in any Church
related activity.
Derry Diocesan Child Protection Committee
“The Diocese of Derry is committed to ‘best
practice’ in the safeguarding of children, particularly
when involved in Church activities. To this end, I commend
the work of the diocesan committees and all those working
at diocesan and parish level to bring the caring attitude
of Christ to children. May the peace and joy of Jesus
Christ be with you”.
Most Rev.
Seamus Hegarty +
Bishop of Derry
The Diocese of Derry values and encourages the participation
of children and young people in parish liturgies and
in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical,
emotional and social development. We recognise and uphold
the dignity and rights of all these individuals within
our ‘faith family’ and we are committed
to their protection and support in a way that promotes
their human dignity and integrity as ‘children
of God’.
In keeping with
this ethos, we undertake to do all in our power in the
Diocese of Derry to create safe environments for children
and young people, and to ensure their protection from
physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
We acknowledge
that all involved in working with children and young
people have a special duty of care towards them, and
we undertake to put in place policies and procedures
through which this care is put into effect so that their
rights as active participants in the life of the Church
are upheld.
Child Protection Services
The policies and procedures outlined in ‘Our Children,
Our Church’ indicate the importance of a collaborative
approach to the whole area of child protection. In support
of this a number of structures and personnel have been
put in place in the diocese.
Diocesan Child Protection Committee
The Derry Diocesan Child Protection Committee was appointed
by the Diocesan Bishop. The Committee works independently,
developing, directing and managing all aspects of policy
development, training and support for parishes with
the diocesan Church. Committee members are drawn from
the four deanery areas of the diocese and they bring
to this role experience from education, law, psychology,
counselling, parish ministry and social work.
of Responsibility
• Developing and implementing diocesan guidelines
to promote child protection and welfare within parish
ministry and pastoral activities in keeping with statutory
and Church guidelines.
• Ensuring that the planning and delivery of a
training strategy for all Church personnel is carried
• Assisting parishes in the application of the
• Liaising with the National Board for Child Protection
and with statutory authorities
• Ensuring that referral mechanisms following
complaints of abuse are made known within the diocese
through training and awareness sessions.
• Ensuring that pastoral care supports for victims
of abuse and others affected by abuse are made known
within the diocese through training and awareness sessions
• Liaising appropriately with the Advisory Case
Management Committee
• Reviewing the work of the Derry Diocese Child
Protection Committee, Co-ordinator and trainers
• Overseeig an annual audit of child protection
in parishes throughout the Derry diocese
• Regularly reviewing the work carried out by,
and on behalf of the Committee and producing an annual
report of this activity
• Liaising with the Diocesan Bishop to ensure
recommendations of the review report are implemented.
Advisory Case Management Committee
The Advisory Case Management Committee works independently
of the Derry Diocesan Child Protection Committee. It
is appointed by the Bishop to work on his behalf to
advise on all aspects of case management, including
reporting and pastoral care. Until such time as a Regional
Director for child protection is appointed, this Committee
will work to ensure an effective response is made to
complaints and the appropriate pastoral care is put
in place.
Child Protection Office/Co-ordinators and Trainers
A new child protection office has been set up in the
Pastoral Centre in Derry city. As part of the National
Training Strategy in which the diocese has been involved,
two diocesan Child Protection Trainers, have been appointed.
They have completed the ‘Keeping Safe Programme’,
devised and monitored by the Volunteer Development Agency
in Belfast. They will work on behalf of the Committee
facilitating the training of all Church personnel in
child protection policies and procedures. They will
assist parishes and other Church organisations within
the diocese to apply the guidelines through information
sessions and ongoing support. The Co-ordinator of Child
Protection will assist the Committee in the overall
development and implementation of diocesan and national
Parish Representatives
Each parish has been asked by the Child Protection Committee
to nominate representatives who will help them develop
awareness of ‘best practice’ issues in working
with children and young people in Church settings. The
representatives will attend a two day training session
facilitated by the diocesan trainers, and in turn will
work in their parishes to help disseminate information
on national guidelines, diocesan policies and procedures.
The representatives will assist their own parishes in
the drawing up of a policy statement and a code of basic
procedures, as well as ensuring that contact information
for child protection personnel is made known within
the parish. An audit will be carried out annually of
the child protection policies and procedures in each
parish and how they are being developed and implemented.
This will be part of an ongoing commitment to reviewing
and improving ‘best practice’.
As part of our
commitment to ensuring the well-being and protection
of children and young people, all personnel involved
in ministry with children and young people in the diocese
of Derry will be subject to strict vettin procedures.
(Northern Ireland: POCVA and Garda vetting when available)
Reporting Procedures
There are four main types of child abuse as outlined
in Children First and Co-operating to Safeguard Children:
• Neglect
• Emotional abuse
• Physical abuse
• Sexual abuse
to Statutory Authorities
If you or anyone you know has a child protection concern
or wishes to report an allegation of child abuse directly
to the statutory authorities, please contact the PSNI/Gardai
or the local Health and/or Social Services and ask to
speak to the Duty Social Worker. Contact numbers will
be displayed at the back of all Parish Churches.
to Church Authorities
If you or anyone you know has a child protection concern
or wishes to report an allegation of child abuse directly
to the Church authorities in relation to any member
of Church personnel, please contact one of the following
diocesan designated persons.
Rev. John
Tel : NI (0035374) 9384037
Tel : ROI (074) 9384037
Rev. Seamus
Tel : NI (0035374) 9374104
Tel : ROI (074) 9374104
Mrs. Mary
Tel : NI (028) 7136 2475
Tel : ROI (048) 7136 2475
*Please note
that these are the interim guidelines and will be subject
to change to meet the recommendations of ‘Our
Children, Our Church’.