Francis of Assisi, Drumnabey
The church was dedicated on 19th December
1982 by the Bishop of Derry, Most Rev Edward Daly DD.
It was built to replace the old church of Saint Mary’s,
Carncorn, which had passed beyond reasonable repair.
The church can hold 430 persons and is the only church
in the diocese to be dedicated to Saint Francis, in
memory of the old monastery of Franciscans at Scarvaghern,
which was dispersed in 1603.

Above the sanctuary hangs a replica
of the Cross of San Damiano, which hangs in the church
of St. Clare in Assisi. At the main entrance stands
a statue of Saint Francis, which was made in Italy and
erected by the people of the parish in 2007,to mark
the 25th anniversary of the dedication of the church.